Saturday, May 10, 2014

Building a Reading Star

Carli turned 4 years old at the beginning of April. I started homeschooling her last August in Preschool. We aren't consistent due to her being young and my inability to adjust to change on the fly and we have had a lot of changes in our house as of late. Dan and I really want our girls to develop is a love of books and having a creative mind. I feel that to develop those traits that it seems easier to be consistent in reading with the girls then to hope and pray it will happen as they grow.

In the past 6 months Carli has really begun to pick up reading words but has been struggling to write the letters properly. Lately she has been refusing to read and just wants me to but I am quite honestly tired of reading Hop on Pop and Can't Catch Me (a monkey book). They are so short and exactly the same every night I have to read them to Carli and Sam. I recently picked up Peter Rabbit from the Dollar Spot in Target and Carli loved it- The story was a bit longer than she was use to but it was different and more advanced.

This led to Dan and I to discussing Carli's need for chapter books. I pondered on this new step in her education and how it would work with Sam. I came across two things within a few days of each other. I think it is important to note that Sam gets a book before bed now and then she goes to bed while I read the Chapter book to Carli alone.

 1. A garage sale with The Wizard of Oz and Pride and Prejudice they were both only 50 cents. Score!!!!
2. A Summer Reading Program with Free Printables (we recently bought colored ink!!!)

I put together the Summer Reading Program and got Carli all pumped. Now I want to Share what we did with you.

  •  I printed out all the documents on cardstock. 
  •  I cut out all the documents out
  •  I laminated them

I laminated them so I can reuse them next year easily and so that they last throughout this summer- my kids and I can be quite brutal to things we use.

  •  I talked with Carli about how it works and explained it in three steps:
  1. We need to find a book to read (we do not read by the minutes but by the chapter)
  2. We have to draw a picture and write one word associated with the chapter (we do this the next day before reading a new chapter)
  3. We mark on the BINGO game a square (We normally pick a square before we read, we mark the game after we draw the picture)
  • Once Carli completes 5 activities in a row on the BINGO card she gets a coupon. Carli just earned her first Coupon Yesterday!

                                             Carli selected the coupon for a Cupcake Date!

How Carli earned her first Bingo through reading:

  • In her pajamas
  • Sitting in the grass
  • on a Tuesday
  • with a hat on (used her bear hat from her surgery)
  • using the middle BINGO star (freebie)
Carli's coupon Options (she came up with, mom helped):
  • McChicken from McDonalds
  • Park Outing
  • Icecream Date
  • Cupcake Date
  • Movie Night (redbox + snack)
  • A candy bar
  • GOLDEN TICKET: dollar spot for special prize (when she completes the whole game)
Sam is lucky because she benefits from these just by being carli's sister.




Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Craftiness Blooms in the Springtime

At the request of my lovely mother in-law my next few posts will be about the things I have been doing with my girls and to prepare for my Primary calling as singing time leader. I don't want people to get the wrong idea of me- I don't always come up with fantastic ideas on my own and when I do it appears someone has already mastered the craft and left pictures or printables for me to either replicate or just simply print out.

Since moving to Illinois which is closer to Dan's family I have learned a lot about independence. Growing up I would procrastinate homework and chores and eventually cry and whine at the last minute before a task was needed to be done. My mother who is naturally very crafty and has lovely handwriting would take over and do a good portion. I have had friends make phone calls for me pretending to be me for I have a terror of phones (thanks panda for the backup). As I have been married to Dan he really likes to see me accomplish things and then reward me with a compliment. Since I have been in Illinois Dan has been dreadfully busy and not able to just jump in to assist when I have a meltdown.
When I accepted my call as Primary Singing Time leader Dan asked if I could do it on my own. I normally am in a co-teaching situation with him (for about three years). I told him to have a little faith in my (inside I was telling myself I have something to prove). Turns out I Love this calling and Heavenly Father makes up for the difference of me not knowing how to lead or understanding notes. I make mistakes but I have decided that the kids will remember the spirit and joy of singing and forget about having to learn a mothers day song in one week because of my oversight.
Now the projects I have been working on lately are everywhere from Rainbow Dash birthday party crafts, learning activities for carli's homeschooling, to singing time preparation/ activities.
since this post is just a update here is a picture of our new family addition... She has been with us foe about two weeks. Her name is Daisy. And she has been wonderful therapy for our whole family. (picture is attached on Facebook since I am on my phone)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Open For Business!!!!

Well we are up and running with the law firm. Life has been crazy this week with Dan ending work at his old firm and starting up Springer Law Firm- Rockford Bankruptcy Lawyers. In this post I want to share a little about our experiences.

Dan's mom (and dad) have been a big part of starting the firm. Mom has worked long into the night and probably through the night til the sun begins to shine in order to set up the firm's online presence. I think the quote "a worried mother does better research than the FBI- author unknown", is probably a pretty legitimate reason our business is coming together. Reesa is constantly researching and improving her personal knowledge of technology and "crafts" in order to create websites, banners, and office management. Thank you wont ever sufficed but maybe success can show some form of gratitude.

I have begun working on a blog for Dan called Rockford Bankruptcy Info. He writes the posts and I manage the site. I am thinking I want him to switch his blog to which is what my site is running on. I love the convenience of being able to rearrange the flow of the site and change colors. If anyone has any recommendations on blog sites they like or really any thing that could improve the experience of the firm let us know. If there are errors in Dan's blog or sites (not mine) don't feel bad letting us know.

It's crazy how life takes us down different paths. My parents wanted to open a business for so many years. I remember my dad having a mock picture for an ice-cream shop he wanted to open. They dreamed of opening a Papa Murphy's and eventually their time came to open a grocery store with the help of an amazing team behind them. Their experience has been wonderful and blessed my sisters family who also opened up a store after being trained by my parents. Maybe it was growing up seeing my parents dream of being in charge of their own future (then obtaining that dream)and being able to help others that has given me the desire and courage to follow this dream. Maybe for Dan it was that his parents built a house, have bought properties and rented them out and just overall being creative individuals that has given Dan that passion to dream of a Law Firm and determined to make a positive difference in the lives of others. How grateful we are that we have faith that Heavenly Father will lead and guide as through this process as we do those "sunday school answers" (read our scriptures, say our prayers, have family home evening...) and keep the covenants we have made. Now it is our turn to live this dream we have talked about for 3 years!

Ways YOU Can Help - follow links

1. Please if you have a Google+ follow Daniel Springer's firm

2. If you check out Dan's blog feel free to leave comments and ask questions if you have any.

3. Like & Share  Springer Law Firm on Facebook

4.  If you live in Illinois recommend your friend Daniel A. Springer to friends needing financial help through Bankruptcy Relief.